I has been good week. Took great strides in the pre-production of our short. I managed to take the Designer to visit the location where I was hoping to shoot the scenes for our Lab set. Was a little worried because it's not the ultra high-tech lab I was looking for, but it is usable and the rental fee is perfect (almost free). After a little thought, he gave his blessing and we now have two locations selected. As for the third, Designer Guy assures me that there is no need to look for a bedroom for sucha small scene, and that he will build it in the location that houses our Interrogation Room set. Save More Money. I like.
So with all of that out of the way, the next order of business was to meet with our Executive Producer, and that finally happened on Thursday morning. And what a meeting it was.
Beyond my expectations. Actually, I didn't know what to expect. What I got was comittments that she would take care of the equipment and catering. Plus, there was some talk about contacting some of the other post production pacilities in town to see of some strings could be pulled to help out with the underwhelming amount of post production support offered originally. Save even more money. I like.
And we also got the ball rolling on the casting front. Hopefully we'll be able to get a casting session in the first week of January, and have that locked up at the end of that week.
Also had a good conversation with our VFX supervisor about changing our CG rat to a CG pig. He says that is a lot easier for him, and I think that's the way to go. Makes more sense in the story. Good call Mr. Producer.
So with the locations out of the way, equipment being handled by someone else, and some ideas about who we'd like to star in this film, I'd say that this was a pretty successful week in the life of Serum 1831.
We may hit the ground running on January 1st after all.
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