Thursday, February 12, 2009

Casting - a comedy of errors.

What an experience.

I love casting. It never ceases to amaze me. I mean, here are a whole lot of performers, all coming out and pouring their hearts out, putting it all on the table, trying to get a part that doesn't pay too much in a small short film. Every one of them knowing that there is only going to be one chosen for the role they are auditioning for. I give all of them credit. They were all amazing, and I just shake my head at the thought of going through what they went through. There is no way I could go through that. My hat's off to you all.

The problems were not the one's auditioning. The problems were all technical. My camera, a small little video camera that has served me well for 6 years, just died. It just stopped working. after the first audition. It called it quits. Kaput. So we call in the back-up.

Everything;s going smoothly - got 2 batteries and plenty of disk space to record onto. 30 minutes in, it dies. Battery problem. Change battery and keep going. Five minutes later, that battery dies. No charger. Great. Keep going. But don't tell the talent there is no taping. Not sure of the rational behind that decision, but the auditions must go on.

And what auditions they were. There were only a handful of performers that were unsuitable. Everyone else could act in this short and it would be a good movie. But there are only 4 that will make it a great movie.

We all decided on one. Hands down, the best audition for the role. The other three had a few great performances, and we'll whittle those down tomorrow. Or I guess it's today. It's already Thursday. Must go to bed. Need a clear head for casting tomorrow.

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